Sunday, 30 October 2011

Mission Centre Opening

Posted by PicasaWe had a great time at this ceremony. People talked and sang and Father Chris blessed the building. We had an ice block.

Monday, 24 October 2011


Dear Parents/ Caregivers,
Term 4 is traditionally a busy term and this year we have much to do in only 8 weeks. As well as our class programme, Room 1 and 2 produce a Christmas Musical for you in the last week of term.
Our focus for Religious Education will be SAINTS, once we complete our work on Sacrament. This will be followed by ADVENT as we lead up to the Holy Season of Christmas.
Athletics is taking place in all classes this term and in Room1 our unit is called “Run, Jump, Throw” with an emphasis on throwing. We will also have a swim week in week 6.
This term our school-wide focus is CHANGE and all classes will be involved in a Heath unit on Sexuality. In Room 1, we will begin the term with a study of animals and the changes that occur as they grow from young to mature. This will coincide with our school trip to Tai-Tapu school’s pet day and the Room 1,2,3 trip to the A&P Show.
As is our tradition, we hope to attend the A&P Show on 10 November and as usual we rely heavily upon parent help in order to make this possible (not suitable for preschoolers).Thanks to the BOT for subsidizing this trip/ bus. Please return the slip below as soon as possible to help with our planning of this all-day event.
I give permission for ______________to attend The A&P Show and I CAN / CANNOT help with supervision.

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Sunday, 2 October 2011


We had such fun making candles. Watch out for our candle holders coming soon!

We wrote our instructions for you. Here is what Shardaye wrote.

Sunday, 25 September 2011

Thursday, 22 September 2011

Shared Lunch

We had a delicious shared lunch and we showed what lovely manners we can use when we are eating. Thank you to everyone who sent along this food.

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Rugby Colours.

We wore the colours of our favourite team.

Tuesday, 20 September 2011


Rugby Day
Dear mum and dad,
On Friday we are all celebrating the RUGBY WORLD CUP. We can wear the colours of the team we want to support and bring a plate of food to share with the class at lunchtime.
The day will begin with Room 4’s Rugby assembly and we will be playing games with a rugby ball.
I need to bring an item for a Mission fair raffle which is something that can be used in the bathroom eg soap, shampoo, toothpaste.
Thank you
From Room1

Sunday, 11 September 2011


Rob made us a birdhouse out of wood. He helped us paint it red, purple and yellow because those are the colours that birds like. It is hanging by our door now and we have put seeds on it. We hope that the birds will visit their house now. THANKS ROB.
Soon we are going to make our own birdhouses to take home.

Thursday, 8 September 2011

Poetry Recitations

Congratulations Room 1

On Friday we all presented our Poems to Room 1 and 2.

Everyone was able to remember their words and we tried hard to speak slowly and clearly.

It is difficult to recite in front of an audience and we tried to entertain everyone. Some students did some thoughtful actions and used props to add interest.

Special congratulations to Bethlehem, Salu and Whunn Daa who received the highest scores.

Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Poetry Recitations

This is a reminder that we will be reciting our poems to Rooms 1 and 2 this Friday. We have been practising using a loud, interesting voice and some actions to add interest. Please keep helping at home so we remember all the words.

Monday, 22 August 2011

Wacko Kakapo

Shardaye and Amy were wonderful, waddling Wacko Kakapo.

Benjamin was a swaggering Never-Fear Kea.

Bethlehem was a zig-zagging Quick-as-a-wink Skink.

Salu was a strutting Peewee Kiwi.

We had a great time becoming the characters
in Wacko Kakapo. We moved in different ways and learned about some wonderful new words.
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Tuesday, 2 August 2011

Newsletter for Term 3

Dear Parents/Caregivers,
Welcome back to a new term which I hope brings a settled time for learning with no weather or earthquake interruptions. As I write this letter, the snow is falling and I wonder what else Nature can throw at us. I also imagine the children’s excitement at the snow outside.
We are concentrating on THINKING and we will be putting on our Thinking Hats in order to try and think more deeply about our questions.
In Religious Education we will complete the God Strand and then learn about the Church. St Anne’s feast day is celebrated by the whole school early this term – watch the school newsletters.
Our school focus this term is ENERGY in all its various forms. In Room 1 the students wanted to know about the Earth, Sun and Planets. We are going to explore the energy we get from the sun as heat and light by learning about DAY AND NIGHT. I will see where their interests take us from here.
In Technology, we will look at where light has come from over time from the Sun, fire .. to modern day lighting. We will study how candles provide light and make our own examples.
Our English focus will be Instructional writing and so we will be able to write about what we have made- the ingredients and sequence we followed.
The Arts also revolve around Energy with MUSIC being the strand receiving the emphasis this term. We will create dynamic music to accompany our stories and poems, and discuss live and recorded music. As part of the Arts the school has a Drama visit entitled “People of the Pacific”.   
This term sees us having Swim week, having had our usual routine interrupted in Term 1. More about this will be in the school newsletter. Kiwi sport will continue with Kathy on alternate Fridays and our class Physical Education is Invasion Games.
Thank you for your input last term into our efforts to encourage the children to be thoughtful citizens. I hope this term is just as successful. Do look at the night sky with your children and discuss what you can see.

Tuesday, 21 June 2011


On Friday Rooms 1,2 and 3 celebrated Matariki. We enjoyed this video.

Thursday, 9 June 2011

We are the students of Room 1 and we are great citizens of St Anne's school. We have got 9 boys and 6 girls in our class. We love story writing, printing,reading  and maths. We are learning about native birds and you will see our birds in our photos. We are GREAT workers and GREAT friends.

Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Photo Story


We have been learning about native birds and plants in Room 1. We began by reading the story of "How the kiwi lost its wings" for our drama and got interested in all the birds in the story. The kiwi in this story was a wonderful citizen because it gave up having wings for the good of the forest.