Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Room 1 class

We have 3 new people in our room now. Welcome to Charlotte P, Charlotte L and Austin.


Room 1 Newsletter for Term 2, 2012

Dear Parents and Caregivers,

Welcome back to another busy term. The weather now has a truly Autumn feel and the warm, still days have been great. I hope you were able to get outside and enjoy them. As we head into Winter, remember that the children are entitled to a free flu injection to help protect us all from an outbreak of flu.

In Religious Education, we start this term with Easter and continue on into the HOLY SPIRIT strand.

Over the first 2 weeks we will learn about Cybersafety focussing on some important messages for the children when they use technology such as the internet. I will send you the online programme that we are using at the end of our study so that you can reinforce these important messages with your child.

Our learning for Term 2 revolves around a school focus on SUSTAINABILITY within the Science Learning Area. In Room 1 , we will focus on INSECTS and their important role in our world. This in turn will see us learning how to write Information Reports relating to Insects.

Our Arts focus is Dance and we will be identifying Pathways as we learn about the fable of “The Cicada and the Ant”. We will create some interesting movements.

Our P.E. also follows the Pathways theme. This term we will be having Kiwi Sport every Friday, much to the children’s delight!

THINKING skills will be to the fore this term, with students asking and answering questions with thought and purpose- I hope!!

Thank you to those parents who helped out with all our activities last term, including the interesting and delicious cultural shared lunch. We hope to have interesting events this term but our planned Museum trip is already on hold with the shutting of the Museum due to earthquake damage. I will have to think again!

Please come in if you have any questions or ideas to help with our Insects.

Cathy French

Wednesday, 4 April 2012

"That We Might Live". We took part in our WONDERFUL school production.

We told everyone that Easter is NOT really about Bunnies and Chocolate. It is about JESUS.
We sang all about PALM SUNDAY.