Term 3 Newsletter for Room 1.
Dear Parents and caregivers,
Welcome back to a busy term when we head towards Spring. I hope you were able to enjoy some of the lovely weather that we had over the holidays.
This Friday is our celebration of St Anne’s Feast Day. See the school newsletter for our school events. We hope to see you there!
We begin this term with Sexuality, where we learn about how precious we are. This integrates well with our Religious Education GOD Strand. Our school focus is CITIZENSHIP. We will be talking about Social Justice and discovering how to be active members of groups to which we belong. In Drama, we will use the story “How the Kiwi lost his wings” as an example of selflessness. Social Justice will also incorporate our RE learning.
We use many opportunities to write for genuine reasons. This term our focus is Recount writing when we write about things that we have been doing. We will try to have many shared experiences which we can all write about together. We will be taking part in Poetry Recitals later in the term and you will get more details about this later.
Remember to watch our class blog. We would love to receive more comments from you all.
Thank you all for your support. A special thank you to those who are helping with PMP this term- see you there!
Cathy French