Wednesday, 25 February 2015


Welcome to St Anne's, Zshavana. We hope you have a wonderful time in Room 1.

Monday, 2 February 2015

Welcome to St Anne's

Dominic is 5 now and we welcomed him to Room 1 today. Have a great time at school, Dominic.

Sunday, 1 February 2015

Welcome to our new class members.



I hope that everyone has had a wonderful, sunny holiday and a great start to 2015. This term is a very busy 9 weeks and we will do our best to make the most of this Summer term.

We begin the year with PRAYER and move quickly into Lent which starts with Ash Wednesday in Week 3. Our main strand is “Jesus- My friend”.

English will have an emphasis on DESCRIPTIONS, especially increasing our vocabularies to help us to produce interesting descriptions in our writing and speaking. We will do many fun activities to provide opportunities for our writing.

Our school focus is CITIZENSHIP and in Health and PE we will discover about RELATING TO OTHERS- being good class and school citizens. Making the most of the excitement over the Cricket World Cup, we will also look at the co-operation and understandings that occur to make this a successful event.

In Week 3, we have arranged a visit from The Art Gallery when we will learn the skills of brushwork to obtain effects with paint. We will then continue to create sculptures which we can decorate.

The students will be thrilled to know that Kiwisport will continue on Wednesdays this year. Our PE is Co-operative Play which will involve being active while using skills of respect through sharing and co-operating in groups. Watch also for swimming times, later in the term, in the school newsletter.

The school newsletter will come home every Wednesday so watch for it and read it carefully to ensure that nothing is overlooked in your family!

Reports and interviews are after 6 weeks and then 6 monthly but please ask questions or make a time to discuss any worries that you may have. My email is

Students will bring home a reading book daily, except on Friday when they will bring home their Letterland song book to sing for you at the weekend, along with a library book.

PLEASE remember to read and comment on our class blog.  



Thank you for your support.

Cathy French