Tuesday, 26 July 2016


Room 1 Newsletter for Term 3

Dear Parents/ Caregivers,

Welcome back to Term 3 when, hopefully, we are heading into warmer Spring weather. I hope you all managed to take advantage of the sunny days.

The Holy Spirit and God strands are our focus in Religious Education. We celebrate St Anne’s Feast Day tomorrow.

To start the term, we will be working on the “Keeping Ourselves Safe” programme. Our topics include: I am unique; My body is my own; Dealing with unwanted touch or behaviour; Adults who help. There will be homework sheets coming home to keep you informed.

We will then move on to “Firewise” to complete learning about safety.

Our English focus is Explanation writing. Later in the term we will each be learning a poem of choice to recite individually to Room 2. More information will follow about this later as students will need to practise at home.

REMEMBER to watch the school newsletter for other upcoming events- Kapahaka Festival; School Fair.

Mrs Bridget Bruorton will continue to work with the students on The Arts and PE. Kiwisport and KiwiCan programmes also continue in Term 3.

Well done to those who have been working on Reading Eggs. You are doing so well.

If you have any questions or can add to our learning, please call in to see me. Please comment on our blog as it encourages us to keep trying-stannes101.blogspot.co.nz Notice the link to Student Blog as these photos and comments are all by the students.

Sunday, 24 July 2016

Welcome to Room 1

We love having Harper in our class. We hope you enjoy learning at St Anne's.
Charm is 5 and has joined us in our learning. We hope you have fun, Charm.

Thursday, 7 July 2016