Monday, 17 October 2016

Paper cats

We followed a procedure to make our cats.

Sunday, 16 October 2016

2 welcomes

Krish is 5 now and has come to learn with us in Room 1. Welcome to school.

Alice has come to join us a St Anne's. Have a great time, Alice.

Wednesday, 12 October 2016

Happy Birthday, Mac

YUM! Look at the scrumptious cupcakes that Mac baked us for his 6th Birthday. Have a great day, Mac.

Tuesday, 11 October 2016


Welcome to Room 1 at St Anne's, Liam. We all hope that you love learning with us.

ROOM  1  NEWSLETTER  FOR  TERM  4,  2016.                                        

Dear Parents/ Caregivers,

Welcome back to what is traditionally a very busy term.

Our focus for Religious Education will be SAINTS, once we complete our study of God. This will be followed by ADVENT as we lead up to the Holy Season of Christmas.

Athletics is taking place in all classes this term as well continuing with Kiwisport.

This term our school-wide focus is around immigration through Social Justice and classes will be involved with “We all have a migration story”. Hopefully, this learning will be visible to you in our music and visual art also. Please fill in as much as possible when your family tree template comes home.

In English we will be focusing our learning on our reading of Instructional texts. We will write instructions in order to make objects in Technology and Visual Art.

As is our tradition, we will attend the A&P Show in November and, as usual, we rely heavily upon parent help in order to make this possible. If you did not receive your A and P Trip letter please let me know.

At the end of term, Room 1 and 2 put on our Christmas musical for you. Thank you to all of you who put such effort into the students’ costumes which help make the musical such a great success. We will let you know more information after Show weekend.

Remember to watch Wednesday’s school newsletter as there is a lot happening this term. Also, please read and comment on our blog.

Thank you for all your support.

Cathy French.

Sunday, 9 October 2016


Lily May has come to join us at St Anne's. We love having her in our class.


Ashlee has joined us in Room 1 now that she is 5. Have fun learning with us, Ashlee.