Sunday, 15 July 2012

Room 1 Newsletter for Term 3

Dear Parents/ Caregivers,

Welcome back to Term 3 when, hopefully, we are heading into warmer Spring weather.

Our focus is on COMMUNICATION- written, spoken and visual. With the Olympics about to begin, we will first look at the country where they are to be held to discover some of the history and features of England. As we follow our Kiwi athletes and others, our emphasis will be on the Olympic values that we hope to see in evidence. By the end of the Games, I hope that we will be able to relate these values to ourselves and write some values for us to follow at St Anne’s.

The God strand continues in Religious Education, followed by the Church strand. Hopefully, we will see Father Dan visiting us again.

In the last 3 weeks of the term, we will be completing “Keeping Ourselves Safe”. Watch the school newsletter for information on this programme.

An exciting initiative this term is the start of PMP. Thank you to those adults who have generously offered their time each week to make this programme possible. I am sure that the children will be telling you all about it once we get underway.

REMEMBER to watch the school newsletter for other upcoming events- St Anne’s feast day, Kapahaka Festival.

If you have any questions or can add to our learning, please call in to see me.

Cathy French

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