Monday, 6 May 2013

Term 2 newletter for Room 1

Welcome back everyone. I hope that you made the most of those lovely, sunny Autumn days. Let's hope that as we head into Winter we can avoid too much sickness at school. It is not too late to get free flu injections for your children if you have not already done so.

Our RE focus for Term 2 is The Holy Spirit which we will begin after a small study of Prayer.

This term, the whole school is thinking about CHANGE. In Room 1, we will start with the story of The Ugly Duckling when we can discuss changes to living things. Our main learning area will be Technology, based around TOYS- changes that have occurred over time and the reasons for these changes. We will focus on puppets and, hopefully, design and make our own puppets. A visit from Ferrymead will demonstrate various types of puppets and also show us some examples of "Olden Day Toys".There will be a cost of $2.00 for this lesson. Our focus in The Arts is Dance which will also revolve around puppets.

As we learn about making toys, we will read and follow many instructions and try to write some of our own. Procedural Writing will be our English focus.

Towards the end of Term 2, you will be invited to join with the whole school in a celebration of our learning. Watch the school newsletter for more information. Remember the newsletter is sent home every Wednesday so watch out for it.

Remember to log into our blog ( to keep up with our learning in Room1. We love to get your comments.

Reports are written at 6 weeks and then 6 monthly but you are welcome to make an appointment at any time. Do not worry unnecessarily.

Cathy French

1 comment:

  1. So much to look forward to in Term 2! The kids will have an exciting time learning, for sure!

    ~Nathaniel's mum :-)
