Sunday, 12 October 2014

Welcome, Henry.

Henry has joined us in Room 1 now that he is 5. Welcome to St Anne's, Henry. We hope that you enjoy your learning with us.

Term 4 begins


Dear Parents/ Caregivers,

Term 4 is traditionally a busy term and this year appears to be as busy as ever. As well as our class programme, Room 1 and 2 produce a Christmas Musical for you in the last week of term.

Our focus for Religious Education will be SAINTS, once we complete our work on Church. This will be followed by ADVENT as we lead up to the Holy Season of Christmas.

Athletics is taking place in all classes this term as well as continuing with Kiwisport. PMP is finished for 2014 and again, we say thank you to those parents who helped us out each week.

This term our school-wide focus is SYSTEMS and classes will be involved with Technology. We will begin the term with a visit/ lesson from Science Alive called “Cities”

We will be focusing our learning on our reading and writing of Instructional texts. We will follow and write instructions to make and create as much as we are able, especially in technology.
As is our tradition, we will attend the A&P Show in November and we will send a reminder soon to those who offered to help us. Thanks to the Parents and Friends for subsidizing this trip/ bus.

Sunday, 14 September 2014

Congratulations to our Poetry winners.

I was very proud of all the poems that Room 1 recited for Room 2. They were easy to hear and some had great actions and props.
Well Done!

Tuesday, 9 September 2014

Thursday, 4 September 2014

Kapa haka

We were so proud of you at the Kapa haka Festival. Well done with your great singing.

Monday, 18 August 2014

Welcome, Alyster

Look who is 5 now! We hope you are having fun at school, Alyster.

Sunday, 20 July 2014

Room 1 Newsletter for Term 3

Dear Parents/ Caregivers,

Welcome back to Term 3 when, hopefully, we are heading into warmer Spring weather. We could all do with some sunshine!

 The Jesus strand continues in Religious Education, followed by the Church strand.

Our focus is on COMMUNICATION- using gesture, mime, art and movement as some ways of communicating without speech. During this time, we will be finding out about our place in the world and how we all communicate our ideas and feelings. We will visit The ARTBOX next week and the Linwood Library as a start to this topic.

In the second half of the term, we will be completing “Keeping Ourselves Safe”. Watch the school newsletter for information on this programme. REMEMBER to watch the school newsletter for other upcoming events, including Games Day, Kapahaka Festival.

Our English focus is Narrative when we will enjoy stories and learn to create some of our own. We will each be memorizing a poem of choice to recite individually to Room 2. More information will follow about this as your child will need practice at home.

We will continue this term with PMP. Thank you to those adults who have generously offered their time each week to make this programme possible. I am sure that you hear lots about this programme from the children as it is a real favourite with them.

Find attached a password for STUDYLADDER which your child will enjoy. Please remember to use SUNSHINE CLASSICS which you received a password for last term.  It is a useful reading support. I was impressed with the results of those who used it during the holidays- keep it up!

Remember to log into our blog ( ) to keep up with our learning in Room 1. We love to get your comments here.

If you have any questions or can add to our learning, please call in to see me.

Cathy French


Thursday, 26 June 2014

Welcome Ruby

We are happy that we have Ruby joining us in Room 1. We hope you love your time at St Anne's.

Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Now I am 6

When I was 1, I had just begun.
When I was 2, I was nearly new.
When I was 3, I was hardly me.
When I was 4, I was not much more.
When I was five ,I was just alive.
But now I am 6, I'm as clever as clever.
I think I'll be 6 now for ever and ever.

Sunday, 4 May 2014

Welcome to Term 2

Dear Parents,

Welcome back everyone.

 I hope that you made the most of those lovely, sunny Autumn days when we got them! Let’s hope that as we head into Winter we can avoid too much sickness at school. It is not too late to get free flu injections for your children if you haven’t already done so.
Our RE focus for Term 2 is JESUS which we will begin after Easter and a small study of Prayer.
This term, the whole school is thinking about SUSTAINABILITY. In Room 1, we will start with the tale of “Hermit Crab” by Eric Carle in order to integrate The Arts and lead into our focus on the Estuary. We will visit the Estuary by local bus if the weather allows on Wednesday 14th May. Please send $2.00 this week for bus fare and we will need sturdy shoes or gumboots and a jacket on the day. Our other learning area will be Technology where we will become familiar with our new tablets and discuss cybersafety with a programme called “Hector’s World”.

Kiwi sport continues this term and PMP begins. THANK YOU to those of you who have offered to help. We begin on Tuesday .

Our English focus is Description writing and we hope to have many experiences which will provide us with real opportunities to write in a meaningful way.
Remember to log into our blog ( ) to keep up with our learning in Room 1. We love to get your comments here.
Reports are written at 6 weeks then 6 monthly but you are welcome to make an appointment at any time.

Cathy French

Monday, 10 March 2014

Welcome Joejerry

Joejerry is 5 now and he has come to join us in our learning and playing at St Anne's.

Thursday, 6 March 2014

Welcome Rangi

Happy Birthday, Rangi.
We hope that you enjoy learning and growing with us at St Anne's.

Sunday, 2 March 2014

Thank you Jayne and Charlotte

Thank you so much to Jayne and Charlotte for our beautiful prayer mat. It is purple so that it can be used during Lent.

Monday, 10 February 2014

Our Praying Mantis

 This is our very hungry Praying Mantis.
We caught a fly and waited for it to go through the hole into the box. When it did-WAM!!! The fly was eaten all up.

Sunday, 2 February 2014

 Here we all are in Room 1 ready to learn and have a great time together.
Welcome to Room 1, Brooklyn. We hope that you enjoy your time with us at St Anne's.

WELCOME TO ROOM 1 FOR 2014.       

I hope that everyone has had a wonderful holiday and a great start to 2014.

We begin the year with PRAYER and move into our main strand which is “God is Creator”. Lent starts with Ash Wednesday in Week 5.

English will have an emphasis on RECOUNTS, especially increasing our ability to retell events in the correct order in both our speaking and writing. We will do many fun activities to provide opportunities for our writing.

Our school focus is IDENTITY. We will begin with Health, where we will discuss our own identity and that of our peers so that we can find what makes us unique. In Social Science, the school has a focus on THE TREATY OF WAITANGI which will develop our understandings of being a New Zealander. We will all visit Rehua Marae during this time.

This term our PE is Kiwisport and  Games for Co-operation. Watch also for swimming times in the school newsletter as we will be swimming daily for 2 weeks in March/April.

Early in the term, we will have a visit from the Court Theatre for their production of Cinderella. There will be no charge for the students.

The newsletter will come home every Wednesday so watch for it and read it carefully to ensure that nothing is overlooked in your family!

Reports and interviews are after 6 weeks for New Entrants and then 6 monthly. Please ask questions or make a time at any stage to discuss any worries that you may have.

Students will bring home a reading book daily except on Friday when they will bring home their Letterland song book to sing to you at the weekend and a library book to be returned by the following Friday.

I am looking forward to a great term with the children and value all your support.

Cathy French