Sunday, 2 February 2014

WELCOME TO ROOM 1 FOR 2014.       

I hope that everyone has had a wonderful holiday and a great start to 2014.

We begin the year with PRAYER and move into our main strand which is “God is Creator”. Lent starts with Ash Wednesday in Week 5.

English will have an emphasis on RECOUNTS, especially increasing our ability to retell events in the correct order in both our speaking and writing. We will do many fun activities to provide opportunities for our writing.

Our school focus is IDENTITY. We will begin with Health, where we will discuss our own identity and that of our peers so that we can find what makes us unique. In Social Science, the school has a focus on THE TREATY OF WAITANGI which will develop our understandings of being a New Zealander. We will all visit Rehua Marae during this time.

This term our PE is Kiwisport and  Games for Co-operation. Watch also for swimming times in the school newsletter as we will be swimming daily for 2 weeks in March/April.

Early in the term, we will have a visit from the Court Theatre for their production of Cinderella. There will be no charge for the students.

The newsletter will come home every Wednesday so watch for it and read it carefully to ensure that nothing is overlooked in your family!

Reports and interviews are after 6 weeks for New Entrants and then 6 monthly. Please ask questions or make a time at any stage to discuss any worries that you may have.

Students will bring home a reading book daily except on Friday when they will bring home their Letterland song book to sing to you at the weekend and a library book to be returned by the following Friday.

I am looking forward to a great term with the children and value all your support.

Cathy French

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